
December 26, 2006


Filed under: ajax, dev — michaelangela @ 7:56 am

Oh my… Gots to try this out… along with TurboGears as well…


A model browser for TurboGears CatWalk is a single page (buzzword compliant) Ajax application build on top of TurboGears. With it you can easily interact with your application model and manage your data. Think of it as phpMyAdmin or pgAdmin at the ORM level instead of the RDBMS. It is database agnostic, all it’s information is pulled out of SQLObject – not from the underlying data store.


Filed under: dev — michaelangela @ 7:21 am

Kind of like The Goto and Learn site for Flash, except for a lot more, including, Python, Linux, Ruby and more.


This site is dedicated to showing demonstrative videos produced by our community. For many subjects seeing something done is the most effective way to learn, whether it’s peering over an expert’s shoulder while they explain how to program or watching while someone grinds beans and makes coffee. Please watch, learn and perhaps share your knowledge back.

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